Tuesday 15 October 2024

International Day of Rural Women

It's a day to celebrate women in rural areas....... The highs and lows, challenges, joy, freedom, beauty of surrounds, and everything else that fits into a rural area .......
I am blessed to know some amazing rural women....... Everyone has different strengths and interests which are of great value....... Most grow crops and animals to feed the world......
(Just the odd precious sheep like Lamby or Bridget who will never leave the farm)

Catch you later....  


loulee said...

I'm blessed to know a few too.

cityquilter grace said...

rah rah rural women..strong and resilient.....lovely photo...

Jennifer said...

Never mind the sheep's back....the country rides on the back of rural women. Good on yers! I recognise those mountains.

Jenny said...

You are a wonderful rural woman yourself, it's good to know you, if only as a blogging acquaintance.

jude's page said...

Well said about the rural women, and lovely looking crop, not too many look like that around here this year

Janice said...

Where would we be without them? Great photo.

Susan said...

Go rural women!!! the backbone of rural life.

Lin said...

Stunning photograph - here's to you all. xx

kiwikid said...

Backbone of the country - you are a fantastic rural woman too Chooky

Ma Betty said...

And what an amazing sky we live under. It is a pity that we city folk don't get to see it much. That's one reason why we love visiting wonderful rural women. Thank you.