Friday 25 October 2024

Zoom Fundraiser..............

Just popped in to share the times for zoom tomorrow.................see below
Also read my last post if your not sure what I am doing..........
I'm hoping to be working on a new fat 1/4 mixer quilt..........yes got a little carried away...........
you too can get this bundle of cheeriness @The Next Stitch
Wendy will only be too happy to pull another bundle together.........
AND yes it's going to be a big quilt........
I am hoping to start at 6am.
Thankyou to those who have made a donation so far. 
We have about $320 so far. 
I will email you the link in tonight or in the morning. 
Depending on how fast I fade tonight..........
It's not to late to join in.........just make a donation and email me a copy of the receipt and your in for a wonderful day of sewing.........
Catch you later..........

1 comment:

ButterZ said...

Paid my donation. Emailed the notification to you. I will check in with you before I get on the flight.