Thursday 2 May 2024

tid bits...........

We always have a great quilt "show and tell" at Scrub Stitchin'..... This year i said no folding up between each quilt.....Takes to long...... Look at the mountain on the table behind me.............
Sue has a lovely quilt too by the way...........
Having something finished is a great motivation for some to get a few more things over the line..............
One night near the full moon the moon and clouds looks pretty cool.............
Phones are pretty amazing now days............
earlier in the week scuds were around..............
I finally had a count up on zoom how many Chapel Street blocks I have...............well believe it or not this in 260..............I have another 40 with the stripe on also and the quilt size 66x66 says you need 288............I have another large pile of pieces cut and that is great as I want a big quilt.............
So mine will be big..........
It was a nice small group on Saturday morning/Friday evening on the flip side............
It was a cool, cloudy, WET Saturday.............
We've had 2 inches this weekend..........wonderful..............
ok best go...........
busy watching the grass grow............
Catch you later......

Saturday 27 April 2024

Friday night Chookshed zoom........

Cracking sunset here on Thursday..................
Trying to get a few different shots............

last night I decided to do a  Friday night Chookshed zoom...........
I worked on my Chapel street blocks.......another 46 to add to the pile..........
probably should do a count now and see how many blocks I have cut so far...........
need to cut some more B&W pieces as I have another pile of fabric cut that needs the BW attached........
Had a great roll up..........there were more then here.........
but I missed taking a photo then.......
opps found the missing photo.......
Another couple from Thursday evening..........
playing with grasses again.........
Yes I know this flower is a bad weed but it looks so cheery........
And we all need a bit of cheer........
Catch you later.......

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Playing catch up........

The upside of family being your shearer is you know them very well.........the down side is when they play hairdresser with my pets......Bridget is sporting a "new do".........this happened just before we went away............but I didn't have a good pic so took this one last week.........

I was speechless when I saw

Lucky they are coming back to shear more ewes so we can get this one tidied

The keets are growing well..........heres a little video of them...............

We had some rain a few weeks ago and I forgot to show you some pics............but it was the best sight coming home to mostly full dams...............Especially my house one..........It waters the garden and I had cut right back on watering.........we were lining up a couple of dams to start desilting..........empty enough to start pulling the mud out of the bottom of the dam so that we could increase water capacity.............
It was so still so the mirror image was working well...........
Such a calm feeling in these photos.............
a hereford baby............
I cut these while we had a gathering of the Chookshed Stitchers on zoom...............some bits from Susan @ Susan's Sewing Patch
more blocks for Chapel Street.............
need to have a count up I think to see how many I do have..........
Playing the other afternoon I was trying to capture the sunset thru the grasses..........didn't quite get what I wanted but I really like this one..............
Ok that's it for me.............
Extra long weekend as tomorrow is ANZAC Day and I have taken Friday off.............
Lots to fit in but will try and find some sewing/zoom time somewhere........
Catch you later...........

Sunday 21 April 2024

Goodies and the project...........

Last report......onto the goodie bags............
Floral mug - I always try and find something floral, bush, birds or stars..........
Cherish Each Day Sewing Case by Hatched and Patched..........
thanks once again for the amazing kits Anni..........
Brenda made us each a bag of coconut ice - to die for
also the smiley faces..........thanks heaps Brenda
Di made the Scrub Stitchin' mug rugs........
Deb @ The Crafters Cottage gave us all a Purple Thang
close up of the kit..........
it's got some lovely wool applique on it also..........
Here are the mugs for this year........I got a yellow one............
Each year we have a swap and I got a gift from Brenda........
a beautiful ๐ŸŒŸstar๐ŸŒŸ coaster........and a lovely soap......
Mixing it up by Making It and Faking It......
perfectly thoughtful given our dinner theme.......
Trish very kindly gave me these bed socks..........Oh my goodness I have needed them the last few nights.........snug and warm.........
Betty gave me a lovely Chooky casserole carry bag full of the yummy jars below..........
there may be no quince paste left now...........
we had to make sure it tasted ok..........not sure what happened next but it disappeared..........
I had asked Lianne to bring some of her pickled cucumbers if she had any.........
OMG she did they are the best........thankyou
Stephanie gave a demo on how to make these coasters and this one found it's way to my sewing table.........thankyou Stephanie.......
Finally a little bit more shopping..........I need to baste a quilt and it's only small so will try this spray adhesive.............
the cute birdie pins were a must and I liked this sashiko...........
also a little addition to Chapel Street.............
after finding I have a couple of these already once home I am now trying to take some pics of what I can find and have them a little bit more organised............never mind they will be used in something else........
AND finally I split a fat 1/4 a nice bundle of fat 1/8's...........
Annette made me do it.............
SO that's it.........
I know Scrub Stitchin' makes my heart sing.......
It's a great part of my "tribe", "community", "social connection" but I know it's important to me and I appreciate the distance those who attend travel to get here..........
Thousands and thousands of km's...........but we all come for the special time with like minded people..........friendships are made, strengthened and deepened.........
I always breath a big sigh of relief once I know everyone is home safe and sound..........
see you all next year.......
who knows what's next on the blog......
Catch you later.........

Group fun @ Scrub Stitchin'

 Everyone chooses if they want to play or not..........

this year I found a ruler.............almost everyone now has one........

lots of fun pics seeing how long we could get...........its over 300 inchs long when all joined up...........

I did a quick demo on how to use them.........
pretty scary as Janice did a video........OMG
Lynda mixing up a jelly roll.............
Stephanie changed hers a bit and downsized it............
I kept making progress............
like a big long snake...........
playing games...........
Betty worked out a table runner.............
Kylie's such a soft pink, cream and brown............
finally got the strip together.........
its not hard to work with it all stacked up..............
finally Sat night I had the rows cut.......and started adding borders.........
I think this was Raewyn but it brought on a big show and tell.............
the tables has to be moved we could lay more out for a photo.......
all the different ones being worked on.............
Everyone is always interested in seeing what everyone else is doing.......
it's your own personal cheer squad............
After lunch on Sunday Kylie got her row finished and cut into sections before leaving...........
This was great to do on the dining tables.........
Brenda making great progress considering she only started Saturday morning..............
but we did have it all cut up ready............
I had the rows joined before I left Scrub Stitchin' but had to do the border................
Its looks like zigzag below but above it reminds me a giant ricrac...........
i'll refer to it as the jelly roll ruler or the zigzag/ricrac quilt......that should cover it.........
It will have a red or navy binding depending on what I find to back it with...............
not sure which way I like it hanging.........thinking running crossways........
Kylie came to stay for a few nights and she got her top finished on Monday............she is putting a border on and has found some fabric to match and it is on it's way in the mail.......
Would I do this again............
It was could use a jelly roll or cut your own strips or scraps..........the stronger the contrast the better.........what size well that's up to you...........mine is about 63x65??? sorry can't remember but I pulled out a solid black strip also.........
if you want it bigger or more rows just keep adding more pieces on..........
Not sure if Georgina will be getting that sewing machine back.............
perfect way to finish our day together sewing, champagne and nibbles..........
the one thing the Chookshed is always good for...........
Lianne's pickled cucumbers are amazing..........
Betty made the quince paste and it was sooo good also........

Now all the planning starts for 2025.........
OMG blink and I am sure it will be here..........
In the meantime I will look back at all the photos and enjoy the wonderful memories..........
Catch you later........