wow I thought we could just ease ourselves into the new year..........
OMG blogland is a hive of activity.........thank goodness the SSCS is nearly all over..............I have one more post to do but will wait for a couple of parcels to arrive..........and a couple of pics emailed to me.............
but just cruising around blogland in the last few days here is what I found
Capricorn Quilts BOM (loved the last one)
A calendar BOM (stitchery/applique options)
WIP's Challenge (definitely need that)
Whirl into Winter (with nothing under 32 & 39C forecast hardly feels like winter here)
Red work Cushion swap (thinking about it)
Diet Challenge (need it but will I do it???)
Handmade 2009 Christmas (just to get you moving NOW)
Calendar Quilt Challenge '09 (nice idea but I would miss to many days)
and I am sure there are more I missed...........I think I might bury myself back under the air conditioner.......
take time to stop and smell the roses...........picked these ones and put into 3 vases this morning........

sewed some binding onto this quilt on my new sewing much easier with heaps of space..........and flat bed too.........

I helped fairy girl make a place mat for her Grandma.........nearly done..........

amused myself with pin decorations made by Fairy Girl......

Finally took some pics of the new table..............8x4 is wonderful............
custom made by DH for us girls for Christmas..........
2 machines and the over locker now have their own flat bed space............

even designed underneath so some of the boxes can go under there and there is a high shelf that I can put my light box (custom made also by DH) and rulers etc and it is on wheels so I can move it all...........scary thing is where the boxes came from it doesn't look like anything is missing.........I have way to much "stuff"

nearly finished this skirt for a niece just need to find the piece of paper with the waist measurements and we are done..............

got a ruffling foot awhile ago and had a go on the skirt..............very nice and soooooo much quicker then gathering..............

.........take care til next time.............