Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Another trip to Hatched and Patched.........

Yeh I know what your thinking I was only at Hatched and Patched about a month ago................but I promise it was ages before that and I would be lucky if I got there once a year and just cause one visit was at the end of last year and the this at the start..............lol..........anyway that's my story and I will stick to it............

Anita and Jo Jo were supposed to meet me there and Jo Jo's dh is a "useless" (JoJo's words) hobby farmer and that stopped them coming the night before...........I was very sad..............but I had talked Bloom into coming the day before so she and her family come along for the day anyway.............(so nice to meet you Bloom's Mum)

Now Jo Jo your dh is in big trouble with us as since you girls couldn't come we had to do you proud and make up for what you missed out on...............let me tell you we have made you VERY proud..........unfortunately I can't show much as it is all for secret projects but I did get some pics of Anni's beautiful shop........and some books I will show you later............and Anni was having a SALE.......so that made it a bit better...........

some quick easy projects hanging in the window............

a baby shelf........

more lovely things..............

more fabric..........

I like this one hanging above the old fire place........

then of course we had to go out for lunch..............and wow was that good.............

is your mouth watering Jo Jo..............does it match the desserts Anita and I had............

this was mine.............

they all looked so good............

So sorry you missed the day Anita and Jo Jo but maybe things will work out better next time............Nundle is not that long away...........

Thanks Anni and Margaret another great visit.............

.........take care til next time.............


jodie said...

Yum, that food sure looks good!

Anita said...

So sad we missed out!! I tell you I was looking up train timetables to see if I could come anyway LOL

So many lovely things in Anni's shop, too much for me to take in!!!

Yes, Nundle will be here before we know it, just have to make up for it in Kerry's shop LOL

Food looks delicious - can we get to Nundle via Bathurst?? LOL

Abby and Stephanie said...

I'll bet Anita and Jo Jo are sad now! Their loss...so sad. It's only breakfast here but your lunch is making my mouth water!

Angels Come to Play said...

Oh what yummylishus food and drooling over Annie's shop. I must get there this year. Glad your trip went well.

Chocolate Cat said...

Oh.....wish I was closer....Anni's shop looks wonderful, would be very hard to visit without buying something!! and the food looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you did the girls proud!! What a lovely shop!!

Stina Blomgren said...

Another trip...wow...you are making me very very jealous!!!! :o)
But in a good way...thanks for posting the pictures!! :o)

Noémia said...

Huuuuuuum! All good things (food and fabrics), what a lovely day!

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Donna! Looks like a yummy day out - yummy fabrics, yummy patterns and yummy lunch!! Must have been a socialising kind of weekend, as we did lunches and dinners out with friends, too! Can't wait to see your goodies when they stop being secret! Bear Hugs! KRIS

Katherine said...

Fanatastic shop! So much temptation. Looks like you and Bloom had a fab time, Donna. If I lived close by I'd jump at the chance to join in on such fun.

Kate Quilts said...

I would have met you there! I adore Anni's shop. LOL

I have family in Bathurst, and also go through on the way to Mum and Dad's. Anni's shop is a MUST on both legs of the trip. :o)

It sure looks like you had a lovely day.

Christine said...

Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Shame some of your friends couldn't make it, but sounds like you still had fun.

Anonymous said...

Boo hoo!!!! sob sob sniff sniff!!!! It looks so nice...the food, the fabric, the shop,oh did I mention the fabric!!! boo hoo! Anita, you better believe it...we have some serious spending to do at Nundle. So sorry guys that I couldnt make it. Can we go to Nundle via Bathurst???? Jo xo

Pam said...

It certainly does look like a lovely little shop. Is it a long way from your farm? The lunch looked wonderful - sounds like a great day and it would have been sad to have missed it.

Anonymous said...

I heard from a little birdie that you "made" someone go to Hatched & Patched. Gorgeous little shop isn't it..... It all looks lovely. Food included.

annemariesquilt said...

Wow lovely shop, I would love to be there too!!
And the lunsj looks terrific...

Leanne said...

That sounded like a believable story if you were telling a man LOL. I would love to visit H&P one day.

Jeni said...

Just love the quilt hanging over the fire place...and all the food look so

Solstitches said...

I don't know what is making me drool more - the food or the shop!
I can only dream about having such a day out. Glad you had fun even though the numbers were down.
