Wow this is the most exciting thing I have received.........I found a site Blog2print
where you can put your blog (blogspot or typepad) into a can be soft or hard
cover (takes 350 photos per book at present) is my first one (will take
several to get to present time) I did mine hard cover.......
.......I would choose a different background for the cover......the front pic is the first one I
put on my blog.......I didn't include any comments.......just the
Well it is great quality........nice hard have come up
really well.....nice glossy pages........I am going to make the next edition
.........take care til next time.............
Looks like very nice quality. Someone told me about a site called Blurb.
What a great idea! Thanks for the link.
That's a great idea!! It can be an important part of life... for us weird bloggy people!!! Funny that we're going from electronic to paper though!!!
Was it hard to do chooky???
Wow this is fantastic and thank so much for telling. I will for sure think about doing this bookmaking..
Wow, fantastic idea. I have my blog saved to disk in case blogger ever explodes. I was going to be rude and ask how much you paid, I was having a blond moment, I realised I can look it up................quite cheap really.
Wow, Wow, Wow. what a great idea. Thanks for sharing the link. I didnt know how I was going to save them.
Wow that looks wonderful. I checked it out but they don't do wordpress at the moment : - ( Never mind maybe in the not to distant future they will - it would be wonderful to have my blog in print.
LOVE IT! I will want to do this sometime.
What an excellent idea! I'm off to check it out!
Chooky, you are so smart. This is a great idea. I don't know how you found it, but you did GOOD! -karen
Your blog, what a great idea! Thanks for the link.
It is just wonderful!
Hugs - Lurlineā„
What a brilliant idea - thanks for sharing the details.
Looks fantastic. Its a great idea, and a great keepsake.
Very nice!
What a fantastic idea! Your book looks lovely. Thank you for sharing!
I really need something else to occupy my time LOL......thanks for that.
Wow, great book - I want to make one now!!
What a fantastic idea! I don't have a lot in my blog file at the moment, but when I do, I'll certainly do this as a fantastic record. Thanks for the idea.
Fiona x
Oh I LOVE this!! When Kerry Swain was here in Tas, she was talking of doing this - I was going to check it out as I had not heard of it, but just forgot to!! I will check it out further later on today!! How far did you get in the first book - a year??
Thanx for sharing!!
x Sarah
WOW! What a fantastic idea..... Looks great with your lovely photos in it too.....
What a lovely keepsake-looks like it turned out really well:)
That is so awesome!! How do you do it??
Ok, so I am a little slow, thanks for the weblink to make my own book!!!
Fabulous Idea Thanks for the Link...will be checking it Out.
What a wonderful idea! Your Blog looks great in hardback :-)
Thanks for sharing,
Cheers Erica
I had seen this before, but it's nice to see an actual book - looks fab!
This is very cool. Was it very expensive? I went to the site but it didn't say how much before you make the book.
Great idea!
Fabulous Idea Chooky....Thanks for the Link...will be checking it Out.
Julia ā„
What a treasure!! Your family in years to come will love this; it will show what a sharing caring person you are.....
Thanks for the link - IĀ“ll try it!
What a great idea. I want one! Thanks for the link.
That is awesome!! I have felt like I have written a book these last months and this would be proof of it!! You find the neatest things! Thanks for popping by my blog. I am sure "keen" on your blog. :-)
Now this is a very good idea...
Thanks for the link, Donna. Your book looks terrific. How do you know how many posts will fit in a book?
What a fantastic idea. I'm always worried that my blog will disappear, but the thought of having to copy and paste each post puts me off saving it!
Hi. This is Caroline. I work for SharedBook, the company that offers Blog2Print ( We're so pleased that you like your blog and wanted you to know that the maximum photo limit is now 1000.
Sorry, I meant your Blog Book now has a photo max of 1000.
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