Sunday, 28 May 2023
Birthday celebrations...........

Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Party time..........
Let the celebrations begin...........
The Chookshed is turning 11 this year.........I cannot believe I've had the Chookshed for so long.........
One might say she's having a facelift at present.........but really it could be massive internal surgery..........think she is costing me more now then she ever has........she's the queen of second hand and freebies..........that's how I managed to get her...........
Anyway onto the party....celebrations are starting online this weekend and will continue next weekend in person.......
Let me know if you are keen...........pop the "not available" sign up to family and settle in for a nice long session of sewing with me and other wonderful Chookshed Stitchers on zoom............
prep the easy to grab quick food or better still get someone else to serve you meals............
Times above as a bit of a guide but i'm hoping it is a log session of sewing...........
For those in Europe/UK/Scandinavia we should be still going when you wake up..........
In other good news shearing is done for another year.........
Catch you soon
Sunday, 21 May 2023
Playing catch up.........
Life's been a little busy as usual.........
away for work sort of buggers up other parts of life............
I'm still planning the big Chookshed Stitchers zoom day next weekend (Friday) for some of you..........
Shearings happening tomorrow but I won't be in the shed except to deliver scones.........
I still have to share some of the goodies I was gifted, won or brought at Scrub Stitchin' but as everything is everywhere it will have to wait until I can gather it together and take photos.............
I'll catch up another post...........
After Scrub Stitchin' Monday found both Gail and Sylvia thinking about there next move for their holiday.............once that was more organised I decided we needed to go to the emu farm...........
Lucky there is one not to far away...........
Monday, 15 May 2023
the sad day.........Sunday SS2023.........
Saturday, 13 May 2023
A whole lotta love......
This year i decided that Moda Love would be a great quilt to do together...........
Some of the girls joined in.............