Thanks everyone for your well wishes for the Chookshed aka reno central..........
It was a very chilly start to the day.........slight frost........its colder this morning I think writing this post.........
I worked on this sashiko piece..........about the middle on the right there are 5-6 stitches to do and no thread left.......i'll have to dig out my other project and see if it has white thread also...........
very frustrating........
Clare@Crafty Lady in Kiwiland and Janice were the long stayers..........
Clare's other half was away so she was able to stay longer than usual......yippee for us.......
I have one kit left over from Scrub Stitchin this year and it will be in the mail to Clare (since Janice was at SS so has one already)
32 Chookshed Stitchers popped up yesterday to celebrate which was wonderful................
some for a short time others a long time...........
it's so good to sit and stitch together........
While it was the Chookshed's 11th Birthday it really is a celebration of zoom was the Chookshed's 8th Birthday back at the start of covid that I did the 1st open zoom session...........
We have been zooming together for 3 years now............
the 1st zoom sewing session I did was for Scrub Stitchin' girls when our retreat was cancelled.........

on the right you can see Janice @Jannimary had the birthday cake...........Mick (and Janice) made orange poppyseed my favourite and he even iced it..........he also made sure I didn't miss out by cutting me a big slice and then eating it for kind.....LOL.....thanks one again for the birthday cake.......
If your ever wondering if you should join please leave a comment and join us.......just need to be a blogger...........
Lastly it's a frosty morning this I came outside to the Chookshed the colours in this Chinese Tallowwood tree caught my eye........It and the crepe myrtles are about the sum of my autumn colour............with more chilly nights they sure have the colour turned up......they will be bare soon..........
ok best go.......
while I had told the girls yesterday I had a rat in while the renos have been happening I just saw a mouse and I found they got into another cupboard spot I didn't think about........
so LOOK OUT...........
renos and rodents catching are on my list for today.......
Catch you later.......
PS need to catch more the rat toes.........
Zoom session was so nice. I wish I hadn't had interruptions, but I did get to see quite a few friends.
It was a great day stitching. Good to see everyone. Oh no i hope you catch the rodents. All of them not just toes. I've just been having fun & games getting rid of them myself.
I hope you get rid of the rodents! Your tree is very beautiful, autumn colors are so lovely, if only winter didn't last so long. However, I'm very thankful for spring here, green grass and flowers blooming in the flowerbeds. Happy stitching!
glad you had fun... thx for invitation but I had things on.... those pesky mice.... don't want that in your fabric!
Happy Chookshed birthday, it was lovely to see some stitchers, I know I was very late. Hope you catch those pesky mice and please no more toes!! The crepe myrtle is beautiful.
It was delightful while I was able to join. Wish I could have stayed longer, but just felt drained. After I left I slept for 10 hours. So rare for me.
I don't know if the rodents had any clue what they were getting themselves into when they invaded your space. Look out little pests, the wrath of Chooky will soon be upon you!!!
Zoom session was fun - thank you for hosting, Chooky! Pesky rodents....don't they know they aren't welcome?
Hope you can eradicate both mice & rats promptly...and the renos continue successfully.
Loved celebrating the Chookshed party with you & the girls.
Love autumn coloured trees - very rare here - funny that Gretchen said "if only winter didn't last so long" LOL - opposite to me . . "if only summer didn't last so long".
I am so sorry I missed Zooming again. Life is so all over the place here. Loooooove your Sashiko!
Your sashiko looks great! Many thanks for the zoom - great to join in if only for a short while, and I got a few rows of knitting done. Good luck with the pest control! xx
It was such fun being a part of the party. Mick sacrificed himself today as well by eating more cake on your behalf. I hope you can find more white thread. I’m so happy that Claire will face a SS project to work on. Those pesky meeces have no chance against the wrath of Chookyblue. Good luck with g to he renos.
Oh no. Not a mouse… Keep the Reno’s going. Well done Mick for the Birthday cake.
so happy to celebrate with you chooky and the other stitchers...the cake looked good indeed...anxious to see the shed when reno is done...feel honored indeed that you have included me in your zooms and zoomers...oh the tree is so lovely...we've a while to go before we see those fact, hot weather is on the horizon...congrats again!
Your sashiko looks great, and I cannot see where you are missing stitches. So, if you cannot find the right thread, just call it good! Thanks for hosting the Zoom, it was fun to spend a couple of hours with some blogger buddies from across the world!
Well done ladies and if I could work out ZOOM, I'd join in for a while too. Drat those damn mice and rats, but it is nearly winter & they are looking for a warm place to hunker down. Had many instances too over the years in different places we've lived. Hope you can eradicate them soon. Take care & hugs from a cold/wet Gippsland.
Uh, oh! Watch out wild life. LOL At the toes, such a funny story.
It was a pleasure to be a part of the celebrations. I got heaps done.
Thank you Chooky.
Mice and rats I can deal with, but snakes (hoping you don't find any later) ..... wish I could have stayed longer on zoom, but the cottage was calling and the weather was perfect out there this weekend.
sounds like another wonderful time. I missed everyone and hope to be able to make the next zoom. PH and I did have a good time on our weekend away.
I was lovely catching up with you and the others at the "party" on Saturday. Hope you have found the unwanted visitor in the Chookshed.
It was great to catch up on the weekend, even if only for a little while. Your sashiko looks fabulous. This is one I haven't tried yet. Hope your reno/pest control is going well.
It was excellent to see everyone and all so animated Happy Wonderful Chook Shed birthday!
Oh dear rats and mice and they reno ontop of it all good luck!
Thanks for making life bearable with these wonderful on line sessions love talking to everyone around the world!
So good you had such a great day!! Wish I'd been able to join in for longer. Love that Janice and Mick made sure 'you' had cake! Hope you've had success in finding the mouse family.
Happy Birthday to the Chookshed! I’m glad you were all able to celebrate in style. I love how your sashiko is looking, and how frustrating to run out of thread so very close to the finish.
Hope you have a great weekend, hugs, Tazzie xox
The autumn leaves and sashimi are both beautiful
Sorry I missed it but I was thinking of you. Love the sashimi and the autumn leaves
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