Sewing time with friends is just what I needed..........
I finally got my sashiko finished and there were a few of us doing sashiko yesterday.........Lynda, Jo, Janice and's probably going to be a runner...........
The Chookshed Stitchers had a great turn out yesterday..........
31 people joined in during the day.......But I think this was the most we had on at the one time...14 in the photo below.....We also welcomed a couple of newbies.........Joanne in Canada from Thread Head and Tonje in Norway from Made by Nemo..............both I have added to the left sidebar...............hopefully we weren't to overwhelming for Tonje and Joanne and they join us again...........but it was pretty hectic at the start like always with lots of chatter............just like any other quilt group I imagine............
Thanks Deana for sharing this photo with me.........I forgot to take one earlier in the day.......
We even enjoyed sunrise at the beach thanks to Peta............