Sunday, 30 July 2023

Just what I needed.........

 Sewing time with friends is just what I needed..........

I finally got my sashiko finished and there were a few of us doing sashiko yesterday.........Lynda, Jo, Janice and's probably going to be a runner...........

The Chookshed Stitchers had a great turn out yesterday..........

31 people joined in during the day.......But I think this was the most we had on at the one time...14 in the photo below.....We also welcomed a couple of newbies.........Joanne in Canada from Thread Head and Tonje in Norway from Made by Nemo..............both I have added to the left sidebar...............hopefully we weren't to overwhelming for Tonje and Joanne and they join us again...........but it was pretty hectic at the start like always with lots of chatter............just like any other quilt group I imagine............

Thanks Deana for sharing this photo with me.........I forgot to take one earlier in the day.......

We even enjoyed sunrise at the beach thanks to Peta............

I started another Sashiko..........this is one of the new ones I got at The Crafters Cottage

I'm sure I will slow down on the busier hexies.........

Wood cutting after zoom I found these mushrooms on some cow I am not going to eat them.......just a cool pic.............

Lunch which I have shared on my cooking blog..........opps apparently those on at the time didn't know I had a cooking blog..........well i've only got a few things there but I know a few of you have cooked some of the's been years since I added anything but I will add this one to it and really should think about adding more..........originally the idea what that I would print it out in the my other blog books.........just it would be full of recipes..........

Also while on zoom I had to go help put some posts in.........
later in the day I took a pic..........
not great but it's more memories and that is why I write this blog.........
Have a great Sunday......maybe back in a few weeks..........
Catch you later........

Friday, 28 July 2023


 Should be able to hold a Chookshed Stitchers zoom early Saturday morning my time..29-07-2023 approx 0600am......let me know if you want to join in........

I need some me time.........and that includes you girls........

Don't forget if you want to me on the email list to receive my blogpost (that I manually email out) please leave a message on the contact form on the right or leave a comment on this post...........

Catch you later...........


Thursday, 20 July 2023


So you remember how I had a rodent issue in the Chookshed during renos..........
Blooming hell..... Found a couple more mess spots I had not thought about....... So it's created more work cleaning..... Just another delay I didn't need.......
It's amazing what those pesky mouse's and rats can climb on...... Pretty sure they have glue on the feet and defy gravity........Leaving their little calling cards behind......
ADDED they only got in during the renos when I had a board down.....
Thankyou for all your beautiful comments on the last post....... Hmmmm when I reread it it may sound like I was grumpy about zoom....... Hmmmm not meant to be if it did.......
If I have not got to reply to your comment yet - I'm drowning in life.....

Louise who????????
Louise if you're reading this I can't contact you ....... Please use the contact form on my side bar and give me your email address....
Emailing list......
If you want me to add you to my email list to receive my blog posts on an email also comment here or better still use the contact form box on the sidebar.......
Yesterday was a huge day with an added complication but it started off with this gorgeous orange glow...... And it also finished the same which was stunning in my flat part of the world......... So pleased I stopped and took the pic to be able to reflect on the moment......
Treasure the good stuff....... You never know when a curve ball is coming and life gets bumped here, there or flipped on it's head......

Ok must go......
Catch you later.....
PS also had 1 minute in the Crafters Cottage and I may have found a sashiko or two fall into my hands.....
PSS Enjoyed dinner with Lianne which was also great.....

Saturday, 15 July 2023

Chookshed stitchers & renos nearly done........

limited sewing time.............but I have been working on this sashiko........
As for zoom.......Yes I mostly start pretty early but I will not apologise for the time I is the best time to catch everyone if they want to join it will never suit everyone..........but it works for me and yes I have to put effort in also to get on at that time............Have I ever got on and no one joined me...........NEVER............
This pic above was taken at about 6.30am.............below at about 8.30am my time.........the dynamics of the group are constantly changing..........people popping in and out...........
The sun was streaming in and it ended up being a gorgeous morning.........
(my screen is filthy here I see sorry)
newbies are always welcome............just need to be a blogger...........leave me a comment.........and if your not comfortable with zoom most of the girls weren't to start but its second nature now.........but wonderful seeing everyone as we chat away.......this time I did get some sewing done...........
Nearly done with the Chookshed..........hope to hang the curtains back up today and cart the machines back out from the house............just some more cleaning to be done in there also............then re organise everything........
Its looks so nice now........ceiling lined and a fresh coat of paint on the walls too........even lashed out and actually put gloss on the window sills - they only had matt previously...........
just need more time which is not what I have at present but maybe later in August......see what happens.......
Lastly I was so excited last week when I got this egg..........
the girls have been off the lay for a few months..........but they are staring back now.......I had tried everything to encourage them...........
ok best run............
domestic duties call............
also wood cutting and gate welding/fence repair.........
have a great weekend.........
Catch you later.....

Saturday, 8 July 2023


 Early Sunday morning my time.......let me know if you want to join in........


Sunday, 2 July 2023

Brenda's creations......

For those of you who have been at Scrub Stitchin' you would know Brenda...........
She's the quiet achiever...........
She's very talented...........I called in yesterday and she had a little teddy in pieces.......
(click on the pics to look closer)
this afternoon she shows up with the little bear all together...............
All different stitches covering it...........
It only sits about 15cm high.............
The back of teddy also a work of art............
Brenda also got the pattern at Scrub Stitchin' and got this bag made up..........she decided not to make the smaller sections inside an open bag inside..........
And finally her Bubsy Twin Maureen showed her her zipper roll up like this at SS and she has gone home and made this one and another on for her various cutters/blades etc..........
Brenda is the matriarch of the group by far.........wonderful to see all the things she does............
And next I am sure she will be showing me a finished Sashiko as she's doing that for the first time - I just gave her a needle........
June has disappeared.........
i'll be back just not sure when..........
Catch you later.........