Tuesday, 23 January 2024


Reflections on the dam and the weekend that was............
So what's happening in your world.............

I went to check a dam early one morning...............cool reflections and it was fun watching the sheep and cattle come into the dam...........their behaviour etc.............

the edges are starting to get a bit boggy.........

The clouds have been cool some days when i've been driving around...........

the emus were pretty inquisitive..........

Couple of trees got hit by lighting last weekend at the neighbours...........one of the splinters from this tree metres away...........
This is what the trees would have looks like...........
This one got hit and caught fire..............lucky it must have got some rain over the area..........
amazing to see the shattering/splintering of the tree..............

This weekend I actually had some friends come and sew.........I had a few blocks done to start.............was nice just to be able to grab it and make progress.........It's been so long since I sewed with real people in the Chookshed.........before the renos i'm sure................    
exciting interruption to sewing when hanging out the washing...........I had been suspicious but I found another nest for the guinea fowl and she is sitting and loaded with eggs.............the other nest I found got raided and they stopped laying there..........they are communal nest layers until someone decides to sit on the nest..........the eggs I collected from the first nest are currently in the incubator.......i'll keep a close eye on this one and try and catch her and the babies as soon as they are hatched if she makes it...........If I lock her up in a cage she will raise them well.........otherwise she will be hopeless.......and probably lose the lot..........I've had no luck with mine raising young on their own.............
 made some good progress on the blocks...........
buggered up this trying to sew early yesterday morning in the dark with only the machine light.........
all fixed up this morning............right sides sewn together..........
Lesson learnt turn the light on!!!!!
And I am excited to report for the second year in a row I have a baby spotted bowerbird in the garden............the bower I found last year in the garden is no longer in use but there must be one close by to keep them around the garden........I was only 2 metres away from him and I also took a little video of him..........If I put that into youtube I will let you know........I found some info below...............
Bowerbirds are polygynous, which means one male may mate with several females in a season. The female alone is responsible for building a simple cup nest well off the ground in trees and shrubs. There she usually lays one or two eggs, which she incubates alone. The eggs hatch after about three weeks, and she feeds the chicks for up to eleven weeks before they become fully independent. more info here
Catch you later........
PS there could be a marathon Chookshed Stitchers sewing day for Australia Day 26th Jan keep an eye out........new bloggers are welcome to join.......(25th on the flip side of the world)
Its promising to be a scorcher so a cool spot will be required............


Jennifer said...

Lovely to see your birds! Ow wow....those trees......love those fabrics too. Australia Day looks like being very hot here too, if we go out at all it will be in the morning only.

Jeanette said...

Lovely photo's from your part of the world. Hope you have success with the guineas. The quilt you are making looks lovely. Yay a Zoom, if it is a scorcher here & most likely will be i will have to sew in the bedroom as it is where the air conditioner is. :)

Susan Smith said...

What great photos & ooh =.........a sewing day. I'll really have to get myself organised with working out Zoom. We had a bower bird's bower once when we lived at Cambewarra & all that "BLUE" stuff was amazing Hope he stays around for you. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

dq said...

Your blocks are very neatly posed for their photo.
Enjoying the bird, sheep, and fire stories. Wonderful that friends could come join you in the Chookshed.

cityquilter grace said...

Great newsy post...oh it will be cool here no doubt...

Maria said...

Great reflection photos.
Hope the Guinea Fowl stays long enough to hatch that batch of eggs.
Would be good to find the bird's bower!
Nice to have had company while sewing your blocks. Is that a Judy kit?
Be fun to joy in for Zoom. Must prepare some LaLa blocks...

loulee said...

Lovely photos of the water and stock. Oh my gosh, lightening cane cause so much damage, lucky there was not a bigger fire.
Your project looks lovely, hope to see some more progress soon. And some chicks too.
Lovely that you have bower birds living and rearing young nearby.
Count me in for Friday, It's my weekend off work!

Lin said...

Great photographs. Poor tree - the power of nature! Will watch out for zoom link, I could be in! xx

Annelein said...
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Annelein said...

Love to read and see the things that are normal to you... but special for me... ;)... Spending time with friends is also special and Im pleased for you you found time to do...

Big hug, Willeke

Tilly said...

Love your photographs, with amazing emu's and other lovely birds.
Have fun with your sewing friends.
cheers Tilly

Unknown said...

I’d love to join the Chookshed Stichers in a Zoom meeting.
I’m in southern NSW in a small town on the Murray River.
I read blogs through a feed reader, and I really enjoy your blog.


Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

What an interesting post! Dumb question - why not grab the guinea fowl and her eggs now so they are safe from preditors?

Janice said...

Great photos of what is happening in your part of the world. Lucky that tree was put out by the rain. It must have been great to have a stitching party in the Chookshed. I look forward to guinea fowl updates. I should be able to join in Zoom for some of Australia Day. Stay cool.

jude's page said...

Lovely pics of the farm, reflections and the bird life in your world. And do I spy, some fabrics that I recognise??
Not sure about joining in with zoom, will see how it works, as it is a public holiday and we are heading off in the van again for a few days. Better get packing I think!!

Susan said...

Great you had some real people to party with.
Love the farm stories.

Hopefully I will join you for a zoom prty

kiwikid said...

Beautiful reflection photos, always great to see farm photos. Boy the lightening must have had some power to shatter that tree. Good you had people over to sew in the Chook house. Interesting bird in your garden. Hope the guinea fowl raises her babies. Don't her feathers make an interesting pattern.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Oh, one of Judy's boxes!! You will have fun with that :) It will be interesting to see how your guinea fowl goes - I had a chook raise guinea fowl, but never had them sitting themselves... xx

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Beautiful photos, but such hard work keeping a farm.
So frustrating to have to redo some of your stitching.

Jenny said...

I love Guinea fowls I hope they all hatch . Lightning does sure send tree parts flying.

Jenny said...

We are testing

Jenny said...

Swapping to other email

Jenny said...

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