Monday 8 July 2024

a month.......

 wow where has the time gone............a month since I blogged's been a busy month..........I've had some extra days off here and there.........finished my course I started  - its been 12 months.........yippee........I've been a bit extra social..........few things on in town.........

Diane @ The Sloan Patch came to stay for the got a little extended due to some rain.............

We had a great time together...........she was supposed to be here for the Chookshed birthday but it was too wet then.............better late then never....... 
We did play with the quilting frame........that was a not so good...............but we sorted a few things out...........jury is still out if I will keep this or not...........

I got the binding on a couple of quilts.................
sunset when we had a fire one afternoon...............
I went to The Crafters Cottage for a couple of workshops.............
Danni was teaching and I had a great time.............
First day I did an orange peel workshop..........I choose some scraps from my box to play with as I was undecided if I wanted to machine or hand stitch..........I choose machine.......... 
The mountains looked amazing...........those green crops on the left were so vibrant............
The second day I did free motion quilting..........
I tried a few things but I did best at rulers late in the day...........I will keep trying though............
I am completely zoned out when trying to get the pattern in my head to FMQ...........
You might recognise Mrs Amazing across the table from me...........
Yep Janice@Jannimary and Di (another Di from Scrub Stitchin) were also at the workshop but I missed getting a photo..........Janice was going AMAZING............
loving winter here...............
great thing about winter is sitting around a fire with friends................
Another stunning sunset..........
some great firewood in this cut.........
sometimes it's a but random how good the wood is...............
Anyway best go..........
Catch you later.........
PS oh and a new retreat may have been planned.........
more on that very soon..........


cityquilter grace said...

sounds like it was time well spent away from blogging...sometimes you just gotta...

Jennifer said...

Love the mountain view! Well, you haven't been idle, have you. Keep plugging away at the machine quilting, I found it difficult at first but then had an "ah-ha!" moment.

Jeanette said...

Love your scenery photos. That mountain view is spectacular. I'm getting rid of my frame. No room to set up & it's just going to waste sitting in boxes. New retreat sounds exciting. :)

Ma Betty said...

The mountains do look amazing. I can't wait for a chance to be out there again. I look forward to another retreat opportunity??

Fiona said...

Great to get to a couple of workshops... keep going with the FMQ - it really is just practice practice to get those shapes in your head....


loulee said...

Looks like you've had a great time. Good to see the frame getting a work out. If I lived a little closer I'd be there to help out and get you going on it.
Do we get to see some of your ruler work??

Lin said...

Lovely catch up Chooky, a good month. xx

ButterZ said...

Good to see you have enjoyed some real life sewing time with friends. Retreat mmmmm????????

kiwikid said...

Lovely to have a sew with Diane, keep at the free motion, it will click into place. Beautiful scenery photos, love the view of the Bungle Bungles.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

So fun to sew with friends, and the winter is a great time for that. Cozy and warm around a lovely fire, did you do s'mores?

Tazzie said...

Great to read what you've been up to, you're always such a busy bee. Wonderful photos too!

Jeanna said...

Sounds like you had a creative and lovely month with friends. I struggle with FMQ but wish I could do it. It would save me some money if I could do my own. Take care!

Lianne makes stuff said...

Looks like a great month, I would like to see more of the orange peels, FMQ is hit and miss you just have to keep doing it

Susan said...

OH!!! you are a tease

I think the frame deserves to stay....I am sure it will fall into place one Fiona says "practice"

Some lovely scenery shots...and the fire....could do with one right now....its got chilly after that balmy 26 day.

Raewyn said...

Gorgeous scenic shots and lovely fire moments. It looks like you've had some awesome times over the month....great to spend time with special people and learning new skills....PPP...practice practice practice is the way to go with FMQ apparently!!!

Rose Marie said...

Sounds like you had an month. The quilting frame is something new to read about and will you keep it or not will be interesting to know. Yeah you for getting binding on two quilts!

Janice said...

You definitely have had a social month. It was fun to do the workshop with you. I’m sure you will master your machine quilting. The scenery is looking gorgeous.

Narelle said...

Happy Days ... nothing better than a friend stay over or workshops with friends.

Ondrea said...

A fun stitching time. Always more fun with another stitcher.

Jenny said...

Lots to learn with quilting . Looking forward to sept retreat