Wednesday, 4 June 2008

need something to do...........

Thanks for all the motivation and well wishes but tonight will be the do or die for the 3rd quilt.......tried to get motivated late yesterday when the head stopped pounding but as I couldn't even find the binding or rememeber if I had something I gave up.......... so if it doesn't get started tonight I will quit for now.......
........I also have 15 people coming to stay for the weekend so I have some other stuff to do clean the house and make some beds...............organise enough can they eat............and I will be making scones and choc chip biscuits and anzac biscuits and lots of other goodies...........
This weekend is a long weekend in NSW for the Queen's Birthday.........if you want something to do this weekend you can go here for the largest combined rodeo and campdraft in the southern hemisphere and for the quilty people there is a quilt display also over the weekend and this is their quilt raffle someone will get to take home with them................there is also a bush poets breakfast.....and greyhound is a summary program

.... Chookyblue.........


Ginger Patches said...

Wow! 15 people to cook and care for you're gonna be a busy girl :) I wish I could be there for the scones mmmmm!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

You Go Girl!!!! Hope you have some R & R planned next week after your guests depart!

Cathy said...

maybe a glass of wine might help with the headache! Man, I don't envy you having all those people over. Hope you have a good weekend.

Leisa said...

What a busy household you will have for the weekend. I'm sure your visitors will appreciate their visit with you - just the baking sounds wonderful!

Aussie Nanna said...

Go Girl!

I can bring you some baking on Saturday! Now get back to the binding....
Promise to bring some baking....not joking

Anonymous said...

You're such a hard worker :o)!! That quilt is beautiful, too. Take care & hope everything goes fine with all those visitors!

Lorraine said...

I think leave the binding and enjoy the company....or put everyone to work on the quilt binding......we are off to a B&B over the weekend and the kids are house (and dog sitting) then it is back to work on Tuesday for me....but in the meantime I too have binding to do.....have a great weekend!!

Lorraine said...

oooops - meant to say...great quilt!!!

Anita said...

sounds like a great weekend, busy LOL but fun!

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Donna! Soooo ... just out of curiosity, when were you planning to SLEEP in the next few days!!! I think you should set up a roster for all your visitors to help cook so you get to socialise some, too. Of course, there's nothing more satisfying that putting together a meal that everyone enjoys and walks away full from - so enjoy the cooking and quilting, but take time for a cuppa or two!! Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)

Jodie said...

Man, you have so much on your plate that you might need two plates - or fifteen !!! Hope you have a great time!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a full on weekend this weekend. We have a long weekend too.. :) Hope that you have a great time and have fun with your friends. Hope you recovered okay from the migrain as well. Was thinking of you.

Helz said...

That Programme @ Coonamble sounds totally across The Lot... When do you get to 'Draft - Rodeo - Quilt & Watch the Pan Lickers to Boot!!! Awesome... Wish I were closer! Time for a Wine Chookyblue... Oh... & Luv the mosaic effect in your #2 Quilt.

Leanne said...

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

The second quilt looks great, bright and cheery. Don't forget to DELEGATE on the weekend, just remember your house is not a motel or restaurant! Evonne xx

Anonymous said...

Hey that will be enough of those eating jokes. It's all that country air that gets us hungry....
Will be there to help on Friday night. That will be fun all sitting around chatting and binding. LOL!

Stina Blomgren said...

Hope you donĀ“t get all exhausted... that is alot of people to organize for!!Good luck and get some rest in between...

Jenny said...

15 people to stay and eat!!Yikes! You are one busy gal!!Have fun

Unknown said...

You will be busy the next days! I hope your head is better and you could finish the quilts.

Chocolate Cat said...

15 people coming to stay!!!! I would think quilt binding would be the least of your worries! Wish I was closer and could drop in a cake or 2 to help with the catering. Have fun.

Lea said...

Wow, You'll be very busy this weekend!
Have a wonderful time! *S*

Levin said...

i don't have this often but when i read your blog i think.....'i really admire this girl' - in so many ways. hope you got your binding done, but if not, there is always another day. hope your weekend guests allow you to relax a little and have fun.
take care

Vickie E said...

love the scrappy quilt!

Hanne said...

Enjoy the weekend!
I love your scrappy top :-)