Sunday 4 September 2011

blame the champagne.........


Maybe the champagne from yesterday went to my head..............I did have a lovely afternoon with my neighbour and I was working on some paper piecing and she some cross stitch while we chatted and sipped our champs........anyway I decided it's now or never so while I am still at the cows for a few days I can deal with the emails and next week I should be at the cows again for a few days so can try and sort everything out............
So it's time for the unmentionable to be mentioned................if you have followed my blog for many years you know exactly what I am talking about..............
some of the emails I have received in the last week or 2................

Is it time yet?  I don't want to miss this one, as I've decided it's the only one I'm going to do this year.  Yours is the only swap that I have been totally satisfied with every year .  Too many others, the product you receive is not nearly as nice as the one you sent.  But your swappers are the best--every year has been wonderful! 

Ahem (clearing throat)  It is the end of August.  In case you've lost your calendar.

All received in good spirits..........but now it's time for the Secret Santa Christmas Swap 2011............
2007 - 80+
2008 - 156
2009 - 118
2010 - 108
2011 - ____?
If you want to see what happened previous years go to my labels and choose Secret
Santa Christmas S w a p or SSCS08, SSCS09, SSCS10  (or just after xmas there are a pile of posts of presents each year)
The rules are simple
### Make a beautiful gift (love, time and effort required) - you
can make whatever you want eg, bag, wall hanging, stitchery, table runner,
Christmas theme (optional) ...send something you would love to receive... 
(not something you whip up in a couple of hours)

### Make a small decoration that can be hung on a Christmas tree (simple or fiddly up to you)
### Don't tell anyone who your SSCS partner is please. This is a secret

shhhhhhhhh!!!!!! A different person will be sending to you....
### international postage essential
### You need to have an active blog .....posting a couple of times a

month.... so your partner can sneak a peek and get ideas of what to make for
you and they know you are active.....therefore existing
###  Sending (not before 19th November) deadline is 25th November to
ensure your partner gets their present before Christmas (reason for

### Make sure you "thank" your Santa - very important and post about your present when you receive it..........
### If you are difficult to contact you may be dropped from the
SSCS.....several times between now and the deadline I email out and you MUST if you are going away for a week or 2 just let me know
### If everyone can follow the above it will make for another very successful
SSCS..... less headaches for me.........
### Any problems make sure you contact me sooner rather then later

Please don't sign up
if you are not prepared to send (non-senders are named & shamed)
if you’re too busy
if you’re not committed to making and sending quality handmade gifts

If you want to join email (chookybluesscs at gmail dot com)(not my usual address) I need your (you can leave a comment on this post too if you like but email me the details)
Name, Address (including country), email and blog address
Joe Blogs
54 Blogs Lane
Blog City 2781

 {no titles – easier for me to cut and paste in that exact order}

Swap partners emailed as soon as I can get it done


if you have only come here to join the swap and never visited before this isn’t the swap for you......this is for my regular visitors......

Let the fun begin...........

PS if you have been in the swap before tell me how many this is for you...........some it will be the 5th swap...........


Jindi's Cottage said...

I'm in! Was only wondering a couple of days ago if you'd have time for this this year. Wahoo!!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Oooh! Oooh! Yes!

Anonymous said...

Yep, me too! Off to send an email.

Andrea said...

Yes please - think this will be my fourth year. Will email separately - thanx Donna xx

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Thanks Donna darling. I am back in...pretty please!!! Enjoy those cows, love Tracey

Sweet P said...

I sent you my info. This is my 5th year of this swap and I absolutely love it.

Kate said...

Can't resist, will email you shortly xx

-girl from the bush said...

Hi Donna, you can put me down for the swap thanks... I missed last year, totally forgot! this will be my second thanks sue~nz

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

If it wasn't for you and this swap I would not be blogging today....I have sent my email.....mwah to you...

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...


gracie said...

I just sent you an email...this would be my first in the famous swap!

Lorraine said...

Had a year off last year (from pretty much everything!!) but am back this year....I think it's four for me.

Rebecca said...

Yes please the best thing about Christmas and I look forward to it every year . So count me in and thank god for champagne
Hugs Bec

SharonZ said...

I'm in for the 4th year. Can't wait--I sent my email. Thanks for doing this again, I know what a job it is.

The Patch Craft said...

I'm in too. Sending my details now

Anonymous said...

this is why i became a blogger,when surfing i came across this site and all the beautiful gifts that were made,it was so wonderful,thanks chooky

Kris said...

Yep, I'm in this year again too. Looking forward to the excitement of it all! Email already sent.

Jan said...

Oh goody, please count me in, Donna. This will be my second year - really enjoyed it last year and got such a laugh when I discovered Trash in the UK to be my sending partner. Off to email you now....

Alberta Gal, Shauna said...

YEEHA YEEHA - This Cowgirl is so IN......
I have sent email with info.

I have a question regarding your Cow camp.
Is this a place that you go for a couple of days to make sure your cows are all ok? Here in Alberta our fields are only about 1 hour away and we spend the day travling to the different fields checking on our girls and I was just wondering it that is the same thing.

Thanks again for putting on the SSCS

~Marica~ said...

Yes I´m in and can´t wait until I got my swap friend..This is my 4th year of your SSCS..

I´ll mail you my detail..

Chocolate Cat said...

Now I know Christmas is coming!!!

chook said...

YAY I would love to be in this swap again will send you an email soon hugs Beth

Helen said...

I would also like to join your swap Donna as it sounds like fun, this would be my first time.


Laila said...

Yess-Yess- Yess :-)
I'm in for the 5 time :-))
Thank you dear Donna for making all this funn happen once again ..
Big hugs :-)

Lurline said...

Lovely, lovely - thanks, Donna!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

I love especially!!! Would love to be in on this first time...thanks so much for the invite...details coming...Dzintra

Carole said...

Oh yea, oh yea! Have you seen the movie Despicable me? Every time I say "oh yea" I get a visual of Vector! Strange! Count me in! I love the swap! Cheers!

grandmarockton said...

have not been in Swap before but would love to join as I'm your follower

Leanne said...

I'm in this will be my 4th I think.

simplestitches said...

count me in too...have send separate email with details...this will be my 3rd going onto all the blogs and trying to work out what's being made for whom....great fun.
If you only ever do one swap a year...this should be it...always well run and great pressies!

Nemo said...

Thank you thank you thank you!!! This will be my fifth SSCS. Yay!

AnitaS said...

I love this swap. It will be my third one. I send you an email.

Vickie said...

omg I dreamed about this swap lasnight LOL..this will be my 4th year yipee,cheers Vickie

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

I'm in too and will send an email soon. This will be my second cause I was slack last year and missed out!! Not going to miss out this year (thanks for the heads up too). xo

May Kristin said...

I'm in! E-mail sent. This will be my fifth, which means I've joined them all! Thank you!
So, let the fun begin! :-)

Anonymous said...

Me Me Me Me Me Me Me!!! Please may I join again? Shall email details!

Klarafina said...

Oh yes I want to join this swap :)

annemariesquilt said...

Thank you so much for hosting the SSCS for the 5 th time!!
I am in and I have already sent you an email ;-))

Wendy said...

Yay! This will be my second sent.....thanks, Wendy F

Bizzy Martine said...

Yes,yes, yes!!!I'm in for the 2th year!!!
Because of your swap I began to blog!!! I already sended you an e-mail.

Cat said...

I'd love to be in , however , as I was sent here to check out the swap I'm unsure if I'm 'allowed' - I have hosted 3 swaps on my blog and am an honest swapper and a couple of the ladies who've already signed up will vouch for me so I hope I'm in .. .. .. will email you and cross my fingers n toes

Jenny said...

Sounds so exciting Chooky. My first swap cant wait

Satu said...

SSCS Jippii;) I would love to join for the second time. The first time was last year and IT was very PLEASANT experience!!!

Susie said...

I'm looking forward to watching the progress of this swap...perhaps I'll try for next year?! Have fun everyone!

Julia said...

Count me in will be fun!

Odette said...

Hello Donna
Por favor incluya mi nombre, es un placer participar nuevamente en el intercambio.

Shiralee Stitches said...

Thank goodness for the champagne!!!...I would love to be involved this year, having longingly watched the fun over the last few is there room for one more?

quiltygal said...

ohhh goody this will be the 3rd for me (missed out last year as I was OS)....

Jeanette said...

I'm in. This will by 2nd time. Emailing you details now.

Sue said...

I've been thinking about your swap for a few days so knew it must be coming. Hooray

Anonymous said...

Email what to make?? I love this swap and its the only one that I particpate in. Excited much! x

sandrine,frenchie said...

i just open my blog but i'm in if you want to me
scuse for my english
i love the idee of international swap and it s my first

Grethe said...

Count me in please:-) This will then be my second SSCS. My e-mail is soon on it`s way to you. Great!!

Nicky said...

Would love to be a part of SSCS again this year, my second time around. Will email shortly.

Maria Harrits said...

Great. Have sent you a mail.

Alberta Gal, Shauna said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rob Duikersloot said...

yes, yes, I think this is my 3th or 4th year. I love your swaps. bye bye Caro from the Netherlands

Cheryl said...

Yes, yes, yes..count me in!!!! I can't remember but think this is year 4 for me!!! So excited!

Jenny said...

Yikes it is that time again. This will be my 5th time!!! Thank you Chooky for keeping this tradition going-very fond memories of the SS swap-count me in again:)

De said...

Would love to join.. The others looked like such great fun! This will be my first. Have emailed details,

Marg Harm said...

Hope it's not too late to join. Been so busy lately that I haven't been paying enough attention to blogs. Will email you ASAP. Cherrs

DAWNIE said...

MMmm have I missed it this year??? Let me know if not. Way too far behind with blogging not sure where the year is disppearing to.

Floss said...

This is such a great swap and I'm sad to have to miss it this year, but as I'm away for most of Oct and Nov can't see myself getting this completed in time.

Show and Tell said...

Well this will be my first if i have made it it time.....Fingers Crossed.....

Simone de Klerk said...

Okay, Chookie, I wasn't going to join a swap this year, but yes, I would love to join this one. It is the second time I will join.

Cheryll said...

I've been away so I didn't find this swap until tonight but I saw it last year but was too late to join. Am I in time this year? Please oh please?
I'll email my details and I'll patiently wait to hear from you!

Carol said...

Love to join the swap,send my info soon.

Carol said...

Love to join the swap hope it is not to late as just found out,send my info soon.

Sherry said...

Ok, I just thought that I would add to the list from last year.

Are you going to do a 2012 SSCS???

I would love to take part again!