Some photos from open gardens I went to recently.............started taking lots of pics and forgot to pull my camera out in the last ones..........woops.........
Anyone want a ride............

Anyone want a ride............
Pigface flowering amazingly like it can...............
Heaps more photos here.........
I've received a few emails yesterday with pics of SSCS progress and finished gifts....
.. gorgeous gifts for ???? oh thats right I can't tell you........... are your presents going.........
.....less then a month to go now........
.......the excitement is building.............
I've received a few emails yesterday with pics of SSCS progress and finished gifts....
.. gorgeous gifts for ???? oh thats right I can't tell you........... are your presents going.........
.....less then a month to go now........
.......the excitement is building.............
Catch you later..............
That car garden bed is way too funny...gotta love outback gardens, the imagination goes wild...SCCS finished! OMG there are some eager beavers out there, I have a plan...and the ingredients to make it happen...
Love that oldl car - of course you need to have just the right garden for it! Love the rose but can't helo with the name and the last photo just says summer to me!
lol,love that car
love that car...don't know how far you would get it in...
the rose looks like a David Austin one...can't think of the name of the mo!
love pigface, so bright and summery
ps the word verification is OCKER...says it all!
definitely a David Austin and yep, love the car too..
Cool car...and I'm nearly there with my gift!!!
Could it be Abraham Darby? Maybe not apricotty enough. Or Sharifa Asma?
Finished gifts?? I haven't even started mine! I had actually started one thing for another swap and took it to Qld on the weekend and left it there!! OOPS!! That rose is gorgeous!
Lovely to see the garden... that dunny picture is cheeky!!! haha and I love how they have used the car.... the open gardens are so great to see...
Love the car and the dunny. Very cute. Inspiring garden
HEHE...Just luv the car....would like that in my front yard!
Love the photos. The rose looks like Leander, which, as others have said is a David Austin rose.
Love the car - it would suit my garden!! SCCS is going well!!!
LUV the car!!! and a beautiful colour of the pigface (terrible name for a flower thoug!!)
Oh that Rose is so pretty...would love to know the name of it too! I have just purchased a Jane McGrath rose which is so lovely!
All my posts consist of flowers from my garden, as all my stitching is secret atm! Lol!
Thank you for the garden shots Donna. Thoroughly enjoyed looking at the photo's.
Happy days.
This rose is a beauty !! Does she smell as good as she looks??
The SSCS is nearly finished !!!
I just have the ornament to to before I am finished.. I guess I will try to do them tonight or at least this week ;-))
I loveb the old car, is it in your garden ?? I must enjoy your flowers pics now that winther is comming soon to Norway!!
Just one more stitch to go. I'm going to take it to the post office this weekend to see what's involved in mailing it. Pics to come.
I totally changed my gift as it was to my expectations. So I am now busy to think what to make now. But the ornament is going perfect. And by stitching it I also got a new idea for the gift.
I love visiting open gardens... they can be so inspiring... that rose might be a 'Pierre De Ronsard' my friend has them lining her driveway and they are stunning....
The rose is gorgeous! I can almost smell the rosey goodness! I am on track to mail out on time....
OMG Chooky the red back is unreal and the flowers are simply amazing,great pics,thankyou for the tour.
Sheryl is right it is a 'Pierre De Ronsard'. I have 2 growing in my garden. I know a blogger who had posted some gorgeous pics of them last spring I have sent her an email to see if she can confirm the roses name. Have a happy day
Love the car and I have seen that rose before on a blog...she grows them but I can't remember the name...working on my SCCS...hope to be done before too long!!
Hello again Chooky, gosh 2 comments in 2 days thats a first for me. Have checked with my blogger and got confirmation that the rose is "Pierre de Ronsard" it also comes in red. This lady lives in Melbourne and she gets 100's of flowers on her rose in spring it is a site to behold when in full flower. Sadly I cant find the actual post otherwise I would give you the link. Shelley
Lovely photos everyone else, I love the finished gift here YET.....but the plan has begun hatching!!!!.......hope you're weekend has got of to a fun start with your special friend (grin)....
I think the rose is called Pierre De Ronsand - not sure about my spelling. It's a David Austin rose. :)
Love the car, but not as much as I love that dunny! Gorgeous garden pics. SSCS is happening .......
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