Sunday 5 June 2022

Wood collecting.....

After more rain this week we were back to the bikes for wood cutting........ Both bikes loaded up......
And I didn't drop any on the way home.... Several bumpy KMs.......
We talked about it on zoom and some of you said to show the wood load.......


Denice Barker said...

It must be a trick not getting stuck in the mud with a load like that!

Dotti in CT said...

I find the wood so different from our wood. The trees seem to be hollow inside. We usually split our wood more into triangular pieces. What type of tree is the wood. It just caught my attention and being curious thought I’d asked.

Dotti in CT. Where maple trees abound.

Jackie said...

A nice big haul of wood. I was also wondering what type of wood that is?

God bless.

Janice said...

You’ll go through that lot quick enough. Stay warm.

Janet O. said...

Also curious about the hollow logs here!

dq said...

Do you always gather it on 4 wheelers? Does that mean you don't burn it all winter? We burn wood through the winter as well and fill truck beds several times. That is why I was curious.

cityquilter grace said...

KMs? kilometers? kangaroo mounds? killer moles? inquiring minds you know...

Susan said...

I chuckled over the question from cityquilter . . . LOL

Hope that keeps the fire going for a bit - a week?

Jenny said...

I would like some for my fire please Mr Chooky. It"s a wonder you could find anything dry...