Hey everyone thought I should give you a weather update.....as I posted so many dry drought photos......in the last month we have had just under 4 inches/100ml of rain and we are having some more as I speak/type........the grass is growing slowly and the country side looks magic.......just like a someone rolled out vibrant green carpet......

I was out driving about today and even up the hills is green sooooo pretty and the country that has been worked up for sowing is chocolate brown...magic.....
When we have rain it doesn't always look like this as we have more dry grass cover but since everything was so bare it is amazing so I wanted to share it with you......
Sunset this afternoon............

What a sight for sore eyes.
You guys had a water problem for the longest time. I'm so glad that you've been getting rain. Beautiful country! I've got to save my money and come visit! Take care!
It's amazing how a little rain can change things. What a delight to have the green hills again. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos.
Gorgeous photos....
Isn't it wonderful to be getting so much lovely rain. Usually I don't like it so much, but now it's wonderful.
It has been on the news here that you have had much rain, the pictures are lovely.
I'm so glad you are getting rain - your countryside is beautiful! Particularly now.
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