I made ther bags above for a friend. Dragonfly made one also.

My brother came out to pick up a foal to wean it from it's mother.... This was entertaining for us to watch him try and get the head stall on it and then get it into the trailer....
The kids spent a lot of time on the bikes and they went yabbying, also caught some tadpoles and a fish at the dam which is now full from all the rain.....they got muddy and had heaps of fun....one night DH and the kids had a bonfire. Dragonfly and myself were to busy enjoying a scotch and coke to go to the bonfire and it was toooo cold....Tutti Fruiti rang during this and I think she was checking up to see what she was missing out on and she didn't say but I think she really wanted to be here sewing with us.....she had to work.......poor girl...
Monday saw us in the sheep yards draughting up the sheep into several mobs, they are due to lamb this weekend..... Yes I can draught 3 ways.......only made a few mistakes thankgoodness as I have to catch them..........DH can't draught yet with his knee from the major injury last year..... funny to see the visitors trying to catch a sheep it would make funniest home vidoes at times.....

All in all we had a wonderful time.............they will be back again soon.....
Now as this is my drawn out 50th post I am going to have a prize for someone who leaves me a comment.....will probably draw it over the weekend so get in quick.............not sure what this will be yet but something exciting.................
bye for now........... got to pick the kids up from the school bus.......
Oh WOW !!! 50 blogs already. We have trained you well my son??
Count me in the draw. I don't care what the prize is. I just like presents and raffles.
Love the long extennnnnnddddded post. Photos look great. (Who took those great photos - LOL)xx
thanks for your fine comment.,
and congratulation for your 50 posts.
the pics are fantastic and the bag very very nice.
ciao ciao
Lovely to see the crops coming up. Loved the pictures from the quilt show too!
Oh how fun it is to see the pictures, I just love to learn about your way of living.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time, always good to spend quality time with a sewing buddy. So pleased to hear the rain has helped, just fortunate you're not in the Hunter Valley. They actually showed it on the US news the other night.
Hi - I found your blog through Sara Lewis' blog where you mentioned my name. Thanks. Your blog is great. Your sewing is wonderful and I really enjoyed the pictures of your land and animals. Please though, tell me - what is a chook?
Love the frill round the top of the bag in your first picture - just can't be bothered with all that gathering myself - would've happily done so when I was into dressmaking - guess quilting spoils you as all you need to do are straight lines :o) Happy 50th post!
50 posts and still more to come. Love reading your blog. Blogland is a wonderful place.
yay congrats on your 50th post.
I love to read your blog and am so glad you have had some rain .
have a happy day
kindest regards Beth
Sounds like and looks like you had a lot of fun. Family time at its best! In the end, that's what's most important. I'm happy for you.
OH, and before I forget, congrats on the 50th post!
Congratulations on your 50th blogiversary! Looks like you and your whole family and friends had a wonderful weekend :o)
Love the little box bags. Sounds like you had a good weekend sewing. I'm into bags at the moment. They are fun. Congratulations on 50 posts
Congratulations on 50 posts, gosh that has gone sooooo fast!
Count me in, it doesn't take long to get 50 posts does it!
Love the little bag you made.
Congrats on your 50th and please count me in on your drawing. I'm counting you in on mine. :-)
Congratulations on your 50th post! Wishing you many, many more - LOL
Hi Donna, well done 50 posts, that hasn't taken long. Glad you have received some well needed rain,count me in on your draw, I never win any thing.
Have a good week
Congrats on your 50th! What do you mean when you write 'draughting up the sheep' and you can draught 3 ways? My question is probably silly but how else will I learn about your life which is so different from mine. :o)
Happy 50th post! The bikes are great - my boys would love them,too - I guess.
The pictures from the Quiltshow are wonderful. Full of more ideas....
Please draw me in, if I am not too late....
Congratulations on your 50th post and thanks for stopping by my blog.
Hey, I foret to ask, are those the same sheeps I saw in the movie The Dish? Just teasing. Hey how come I don't see my last comment! I guess that robot letter thing thought I was a robot. Well, happy 50th blog anniversary!
What is blogger doing with our comments....
Maybe they are with those missing socks????
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