Saturday, 30 April 2022

Zoom zOOm ZOOM???????

 Hey girls..........its wet and I couldn't go away so we are going to do a massive zoom.........

Prepare yourself.........get your stitching ready...........

warn the family to stay away except to deliver food..........

Check out your time zone......I feel bad for Europe now as the times have got worse......

BUT go to bed and get up early.......we'll still be on here.......

As usual leave a comment if you want to join in...........

Been out and around some dams.........
See you soon........
Keep the love of blogging alive.........
Catch you later..........

Friday, 29 April 2022

fifty and framed......

Don't be shocked now blog buddies............I have a finished quilt and I would have shared earlier but I have so much to share at present it had to join the que...........
This one started about 5 years ago....actually found the post at the Chookshed Birthday Party 2017.......Finished the quilt top in these posts in Dec and here.....It was part of the crazy sewing frenzy I had between Christmas and New Year end of 2017 (remember that) thanks to Kris........
I was making it for a friends 50th (started after his 50th).........for him and his wife really.............but who's to say turning 55 isn't just as important..........
Binding all finished on a  zoom chat.........thanks for Rose Marie's encouragement I got it finished...........It's only April and I finally made the deadline in a month for a be fair I only joined late Jan...........but failed the first 3 months..........I am onto my second one now so may have another finish this month......I finished the second one and onto my third now........miracles do happen......join us if you like........
It is fun to take a quilt for a photo shoot but I should have thought about it before I washed it so limited photo shoot today...........
I am pretty sure this was quilted by the design........
The range is Mixed Bag 2017 by Studio M..........a fun happy range......
released Feb 2017 according the Moda collection list which I have referred back to numerous times...........thankyou for that Moda
This is the first quilt I have used grey in...........I've never had a piece of grey let alone use it..........I didn't mind it.......I think it works really well with this range............have used it again and I don't mind it but its not a colour I will be madly collecting..........
Loved this wideback that I got also.............not fabrics I see much........I got this one in that was a fun shopping day with the girls............
The pattern is in the book Simple Retro by Camille Roskelley....Deb put me onto it..........I like several of the quilts and will be making more........and could easily make this one again.......
Quilt measures 84x72in
Now my friend will get a surprise when this arrives in the mail..........
Keep the love of blogging alive.....
Catch you later.......

Thursday, 28 April 2022

farm and binding.........

Not in any real order of events but here's some pics I've taken in the last few weeks..........
Today will be cloudy again........we had about 37mm here yesterday..........maybe a little misty shower but I think that will be it until nice not to have to think about driving to town for work with the rain...........
there's been some gorgeous sunsets.........even annoying Mr Chooky to stop driving so I can take pics............
hidden locations.........
the colours........
a patch on the farm clearly I have never been in in a good season..........the grasses are so long.......maybe 4-5ft..........It was interesting trying to ride a bike in here...........
it was pretty cool thought I felt like I had gone to another was very enchanting for me and I could go in there and stay all day............
there's been misty scuds around prior to the good rain...........
this little fellow was pretty new working in the yards..........
this girls are in great condition............fatty boom booms............
Mr Serious or should I say Master Serious......lets just say I was not trusting him.......hes like a rebellious don't know whats coming next..............
the dams are all full..........wonderful site..........
I love following along a mob of cows............
And this sunflower would have to be the biggest I have ever seen.............the grasses around it are 3-4 ft deep..........I would say it would be 9-10ft high..........the only one I could see anywhere........
this bubba was dropped in the was still wet where I took this pic...........

this is the binding pile..........having knocked over the 2 quilts (posts to come) that had binding attached I have all these to work's all cut just needs to be joined and attached the the quilt..............
I did this one first at a friends random colour choice.............
its a job I hate attaching binding............
but the job was so much easier once I changed the foot to the accufeed foot............just goes to show how long since I have done this I forgot what foot to use..............dopey...........
Then its the nervous part of making sure you have not caught any other quilt up underneath when trimming the edges..............
that's 3 prepped to hand sew the bind down.........I have started on the orange one..........
BUT right now I am going out to do another one............
I do love being up close with my quilts again and it is like the beginning of the end hand sewing the binding down..........its like saying farewell to your quilt.........admiring the design, the colours, going thru the reasons why you made the quilt.........bringing back the memories of where the fabric came from...........who you were with either shopping or sewing the top.........who quilted it.......finding those last loose bits of thread........the weight and feel of the quilt......
Am I just odd or do you think about this when binding???
Actually don't answer that I know I am odd..............
BUT do you think about the above when binding????

Keep the love of blogging alive..........
Catch you later...........

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Twisters.............Part 8

Given Janice and I brought a bundle of fabric each back in 2013 to make out twister happened and we never got to make them we had both located our fabric bundles again complete with notes - who knew I could be so organised.........
Anyway we decided to make them at Scrub Stitchin' so we mentioned to the girls what we were doing and if anyone wanted to join us please do............
Jo flew out the gate and the above and below results..........Love the brights...........
Janice threw Jo a challenge to make a mini twister with the left overs............Now this does not use the 5in template...........I think it's more like 3.5 or 4in..............
its one Janice made up..........
Jo being Jo jumped right in and made this from her left overs.............its about 12in square..........I love it........she turned it into a placemat/cutlery holder..........
Jenny made this blue and green version..........
My mum used to say "blue and green should never be seen" I always wore it together as I love the combination.........
It looked great twisted........
My niece wanted to make something...........
so she made a table runner using 5in squares........
Cut out ready to resew...........
It takes a village to raise a child and thanks to the team effort Izzy got her runner done and even machine sewed the binding down........Thanks everyone for your know who you are........
Mary made this pretty Tilda version.......
I missed taking photos of her runner.........and I had to get this photo from Mary
This one was mine.........
First border after twisting...............
Second border on............the quilt does drop in size as you use 10 in blocks and they reduce to 8in when cut............but i added size back to mine with the borders...........
Loving the colours so far.......
Janice had the same fabrics but chose not to use the whites..........
Different look even though we are the same..........I do like the lines coming thru also...........she has borders to add to this also.......
And Brenda..........she made this runner............
What fun the twisters are.......I will be making more............
A couple other girls Julie and Peta got the tops pieced but didn't have the first border fabric so got stalled.......I'm sure we will see them finished next year.......
This ends the Scrub Stitchin' retreat posts and back to regular posts..........
I have a few finished quilts to share and some other bits and pieces..........
Onto binding my 3rd quilt this month........
I know i'm just as shocked.........
Keep the love of blogging alive......
Catch you later...........

Monday, 25 April 2022

Show and Tell..........Part 7

After the red dinner we had show and tell.............I've got a bit here...........too many pics so I collaged quilts were hanging up so no show and tell for me..........
The line up of some of the projects finished from 2021.........
The project was to make into a cushion like Janice did but it always get changed......Brenda had the blue option and turned hers into a lovely bag.........and Sue had the red like Janice and appliqued it onto the back of a shirt.......looks great.......
Maybe we should all get shirts like that...........
Couple of Lea's at the top and Gail at the bottom but the bottom left could be Jenny's that Gail was showing for her.......
Janice owns all these except the bottom right as that's Mary's progress on her liberty flowers quilt....(not the correct name)...
Miss Jules at the top and then Janice.........yes she is a finishing machine also........
The yoyo quilt was her mothers made many years ago with lots of fabrics from Janices childhood also included............
Sue at the top........her drunkard's path from last year finished.......
Jo's kimono quilt and then Di's pleased to see the one at the bottom as Di had started one at SS last year in black and white and it just was not going together right........I think that may have been tossed and she started again with black and brights and wow it looks great and its huge.......
Thanks to Jo and Miranda for assisting to hold the quilts up......
Jenny's quilts at the pleased to see My Favourite Things finished as it was one of the Sitch-a-long quilts we did........better late then never I say.........
Sue's I think at the bottom............
Brenda got a drunkards path kit last year and it has come back finished.............
Also a mini and her twister runner from this year.........
Harriet owns the bottom pretty.........
Harriet's quilt from last year came back quilted by Harriet and she got the binding finished back on retreat.............
Tina's progress top left...........
Brenda's Letter to my daughter bottom right.......
the rest Miranda........her first quilt she made last year is the bright one and look at the wonderful backing she found.....colour wash and could not blend in better with the front........
Ok that's it for today.........
Catch you later..........

Sunday, 24 April 2022

our project..........Part 6

Our project this year was designed by a friend of Diane's - Debbie............
I had been thinking about some shashiko........
Debbie came up with these pincushions...........
She had a friend turn the timber bases for us.........
three sizes so it was luck of the draw what size you ended up with.........
Harriett got started first.........
She enjoyed the shashiko so much she brought a kit for a project for a different project I had been making as I liked it and wanted a another one to make hence why I had a spare kit..........
I'll be able to get another one another day..........
But I think she started sewing it on the way home in the car
Very pretty........even coordinating the pins she used in it.......
Mary was next and she brought an extra base and made two...........Debbie had included fabric to either do the shashiko or some other nice fabrics which is what Mary chose to use.........they look great also.......
Also see Mary's pretty name badge..........Jenny made those for us.........
Much appreciated Jenny.......
Lea started late one night and sat and stitched chatting to me while she stitched away........
Here's her finished cushion.........
A great quick to think what to do for 2023.........
What would you like as a quick project at retreat???
Catch you later..........
PS I got another binding finished last this rate of posts and stuff to share it maybe posted by next weekend..........I'll take it for a photo shoot today......