From the title you can see that for to much is happening here............
I would just like to say a big thank you to Norma for nominating me for the nice matters award...........taken from Norma's blog...........
"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also, for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you've been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award."

Thinking I may have to set a limit for my own sanity..........I have 49 people with another 8 I am waiting to hear more info from. What do you think..........
Does any one know who "Marianne" is and thanks I have found French Knot with your assistance...............blogland is very helpful........
........everyone is so excited about the Christmas swap...........and I have a wonderful international mix.............
Pincushion Swap.................
I received a wonderful chook pincushion from my swap partner Robin in New York..........
Just going to post a pic but can't find the camera so will be back later with chooks name is "Sunny" and the material a a lovely sunflower print and I am to think only good thought when using 'Sunny" and Sunny is bright and cheery..........I also received a few other goodies in my package thanks so much Robin..............this swap has been so much fun.........and a big thank you to Angela for organising it...........
Take care................
Marianna’s blog is www(dot)scraprices(dot)canalblog(dot)com. It’s a french blog and I don’t see any e-mail address, but you could leave a comment on her blog and ask for details. If you want me to help in French, please let me know!
I totally forget to congratulate you with the award!!!
Hi, my first visit here! Thank so much for stopping by my blog and introducing yourself. You have a very nice place here--I look forward to coming back. Congratulations on your award--well done! Happy Days! :o)
I would love to participate, but fear that between making all the gifts I need to make for my family and Christmas, there is not enough time left! I will just have to watch and be green with envy as all the pressies start rolling in!
Ulla fredriksson sent an e-mail to the mail you have on your blog presentation.
Thank you for the invitation to join your Christmas swap. I won´t take part though as I am already taking part in the 4 seasons swap and I want to have time left to make presents for my family as well. Maybe next year!
Congratulations on your award. You deserve it. Take care.
Hi CB, congratulations on the well deserved award!!! Looks like you are going to have your hands full with the SS swap, but I know you will do a great job!! Have fun. Hugs, Finn
P.S. I added Jenny from Welcome to Blogland to the Orphan Train crew this a.m...check it out *VBS*
This will be a big swap, you will have plenty to do. Congratulations on your award ;)
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